Broxhead Common AWDC Trial 1982
No video available just photos.
More pictures from the archive, these taken at Broxhead Common (East) in
1982. I found them when looking for pictures of Thumper.
AWDC Thames Riverboat Party 1982
In the early eighties the AWDC organised some riverboat parties. These
are the pictures salvaged from one of those events. Unfortunately I
don't have any of Andy Sargeant with his head in a bucket all the way
back to Kingswood in the minibus we organised after rather too much
refreshment on the boat. Feel free to add some tags.
Barry Redman -
Pictures from my archive taken at Peters Pit, Broxhead Common and Double
Arches Quarry circa 1981/2. Barry Redman was looking for some old
pictures as he is planning to restore thumper for his daughter.